A Taste of the Old World…
Built by the current owner’s grandfather, a master builder, this sweet cottage clearly needed a garden that fit the Old World feel.

The scale of the home called for strong, narrow evergreen to anchor the European architectural style.

A carpet of Lippia creates a simple foreground frame for the key players. And the pollinators just love it.

There's no reason to overlook the secondary path from the driveway to the porch.

Lomandra 'Platinum Beauty' lights up the midpoint of the brick path.

This classic style urn planter was being swallowed up before giving it a place of honor.

Purple Wandering Jew is a stand-out surrounded by shades of green.

Soft grasses and perennials thrive in the shady north bed.

At the deep end of the driveway, the simple, elegant gate is enhanced by a welcoming Sango Kaku Japanese Maple and grasses.

Sango Kaku, up close and personal.

Panorama from the public sidewalk.
This lovely cottage deserved a welcoming garden.